What's the problem?

The Choctawhatchee Bay is priceless to our culture and economy and is being polluted at a shocking rate. Contaminated stormwater is flushing into our bay estuary because of record development and tourism. This unregulated and unfiltered stormwater is rapidly degrading one of our most beloved natural resources. Erosion, algal blooms, and pollution are devastating our priceless ecosystems and wildlife and are a threat to public health. While local governments and conservation groups are aware of issues, little has been done to ensure a comprehensive, collaborative, and effective plan to save the Bay. 

Who are the stakeholders?

Stakeholders include organized entities like county governments, state agencies, conservation groups and individual citizens. Stakeholders will reduce pollution by building and maintaining solutions in their unique area of governance. Below is a map of 24 major stakeholder areas where sensors will be installed around the Bay to monitor water quality in real time. The sensors will monitor turbidity, contaminates like e.coli, algae, and Nitrogen. The data will be used to inform water management systems, local government regulations,  and conservation efforts. 

The stakeholders group will be organized and managed through a Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) using blockchain technology. The DAO system will allow voluntary participation and incentives for stakeholders to work together for mutual benefit. Each stakeholder is responsible for their area of governance and to support the long term goals of the project. Anyone who is impacted by the Bay can and should be a part of the solution!  Click on the map for more details of stakeholder locations.